New for 2022 (Please read!): Did you sign up and/or participate in the 2021 US Crystal Growing Competition?
Yes, I signed up and/or participated in the 2021 USCGC!
1. Please update the 'number of times participated', 'number of students participating in 2022' and any other contact info that might have changed using the 'subscriber link' found at the bottom of any email from the contest!
2. Purchase the number of bottles of crystallization material you will need on the Order Bottles page!
Nope, I'm new to the US Crystal Growing Competition!
1. Register for the USCGC using the entry form! (This subscribes you to the 2022 USCGC mailing list!)
2. Purchase the number of bottles of crystallization material you will need on the Order Bottles page!
All data entered will be used exclusively for the USCGC. We will never sell or provide your data to anyone outside of the contest.